Fields: Review Records for Import
Review Records for Import lets you inspect each record as it is imported. You may edit certain metadata for the record, accept a record for importation, skip the current record, or import the remaining records in the asset archive without further review. The Review Records for Import page can be accessed when you select the Review Each Record option and choose Next on the Import Assets page, or when you select Current Import Status from the Import/Export Assets page.
Assets > Import/Export Assets > Import Assets > Review Each Record > Next
Assets > Import/Export Assets > Current Import Status
The fields that display for each record express the metadata and security settings found in the record. Which fields display depends on the contents of the individual record. If a field does not apply to the asset you are importing, then it will not appear on this page. You can edit the any of the fields except Additional Resources to change their properties. You cannot leave a field blank or add a field. Each field has no limit to the number of characters that can be entered, with the exception of the Name field (255 character limit) and the Keywords field (1024 character limit).
If you attempt to navigate away from the Review Records for Import page without finishing the import, Portfolio will prompt you to either complete the import without review or return to the review page. If you choose to navigate away from the page, any changes you made to the current record will NOT be saved. |
Saves the current record and any changes to the repository and opens the next record for review.
Displays the next record without importing the current record.
Imports the current record and continues to import all of the remaining records without displaying the details.